Digging around in the undergrowth of schools reform in England Warwick Mansell's news and analysis site
“Release full data on number of delta variant cases in children”, government urged, as Nick Gibb appears to duck question on what ministers knew last month
“Brought to you by the UK government”: Tory peer’s academy features in post-lockdown media advertorials. But reality very different, say insiders
Trust founder’s 15-minute Facebook interview with former Brexit Party MEP fails to spell out wider pressures it is facing from DfE
Government criticised for less “cautious” approach to school reopening in England than in other UK nations
Late publication of official coronavirus advice tells all you need to know about in whose interests the UK is currently run
Major academy trust spends nearly £600,000 on “golden goodbyes” for staff – and chromebooks for thousands of pupils, as it vows to move away from “traditional ‘one size fits all’ education”
Insider paints picture of chaos at the Department for Education around coronavirus strategy, adding that civil servants “want Gavin to go”
Exclusive: Boris Johnson appears to mislead MPs about the freedom schools had to offer vouchers, rather than parcels, to free school meals children
United Learning Trust breaks the £500,000 barrier on “golden goodbye” pay-offs to staff in a single year
“Hordes” of children in London secondary school’s corridors before and after lessons, teacher warns, indicating colleagues are arriving late for lessons because of covid risks
Academies depart from Greenwich council advice that schools should close from tonight
School improves Covid safety procedures following Education Uncovered reporting
Covid concerns at Future Academies’ flagship school “prompted visit from Health and Safety Executive”
Concerns raised about Covid response of primary school within former minister’s academy chain
Primary school to hold consultation meetings on academising under the trust now run by its former headteacher, despite coronavirus
Results fiasco is symptom of the lack of trust inbuilt in the way England’s schools system has been set up
2020: The year that Ofqual’s “comparable outcomes” system ran into the ground?
Teachers’ extraordinary work during Covid-19 undervalued, says academic group, as it describes government’s September re-opening plans as “unrealistic”
Government confirms it is ploughing on with academy conversions, despite coronavirus
“This experience has been horrendous”. Former Harris supply teacher describes the year leading up to being let go by the chain
Harris Federation ended supply teachers’ contracts as coronavirus crisis kicked in
“Drop the union and you can have your face masks,” outsourced cleaning company appears to tell low-paid workers at large London academy
“We were treated like numbers on a spreadsheet”, says supply teacher now being paid 80 per cent of salary not to work
Academy trusts trimming staff bills by cutting supply workers during crisis, Education Uncovered investigation hears
Union members’ call for Harris Federation primaries to put off wider re-opening sparks angry response from chain’s leadership
Private schools group faces disquiet over move drastically to cut its teachers’ pensions and sickness benefits in light of “the current economic climate”
Department for Education used little-known legal power to fund Oak National Academy
Why do the UK’s failings on coronavirus planning seem to resonate with the endless dysfunctionality of English education policymaking?
Put academisation on hold as it is undermining local authorities’ response to Covid-19, councils urge
53 schools became academies last week, DfE data show
Academisation continuing despite coronavirus, DfE admits
UK behind most of the world in implementing school closures, UNESCO data confirm
Coronavirus: Council staff working in “parking” and “museum archives” seemingly included in local authority’s list of “key workers”
Coronavirus: Partial closures of schools already widespread this week across one of England’s largest academy trusts
Large Derbyshire comprehensive closes as a result of coronavirus